
Our individual programs are available for any sport, your posture or specific flexibility ranges. The programs are one-on-one and are available throughout the year by appointment.

Because we work to improve the functioning of the body as a whole, the individual programs are a minimum of 30 hours, which can be completed in as little as 5 days. The length of your program will depend on how stiff you are and how much flexibility you need for your activity.


We require a Day at Somax before starting any Individual Program. We will videotape, analyze and measure frame-by-frame your mechanics, measure your flexibility in activity-specific ranges, and then release microfibers. If we can help you, you will see a dramatic improvement during your Evaluation. Based on your goals, your flexibility and the speed at which you respond to your Microfiber Reduction, we can then recommend the best program for you.  Professional  evaluations may take longer than three hours; please inquire about the time requirements for your sport.

Level I

Level I is the minimum, 30-hour program designed for recreational athletes and individuals who are already fairly flexible (they have lost less than 25% of any range they need for their sport). It includes videoanalysis, measurement of sport or activity specific ranges, Microfiber Reduction (our exclusive form of connective tissue massage that improves flexibility far beyond what stretching alone can do), Tension Reduction to reduce tension, Stress Reduction to reduce stress, drills and exercises to improve mechanical efficiency, measurement of strength in sport-specific ranges, exercises to improve strength and stretches to improve flexibility. Since each sport or activity has 20-25 critical ranges of motion, in Level I we can cover only one sport or activity.

Level II

Level II is a 60-hour program designed for athletes and individuals who have lost less than 50% of any range that they need for their sport or activity. Level II includes the same elements as Level I and can be completed in as little as two weeks.

Level III

Level III is a 90-hour program designed for athletes and individuals who have lost 50-75% of any range that they need for their sport or activity. Level III includes the same elements as Level I and can be completed in as little as three weeks.

Level IV

Level IV is a 120-hour program designed for individuals who are very stiff and have lost more than 75% of one or more ranges they need for their sport or activity. The Level IV program can be completed in as little as four weeks.  Our Level IV program comes with a guarantee.

Level V

Level V is a four-year program designed for professional athletes.  The first year, at a minimum, consists of 120 hours of Microfiber, Tension and Stress Reduction. The fees for this 120-hour program are found under fees below.

Because of the stresses involved in professional sports, athletes will need a minimum of an additional 30 hours of Microfiber, Tension and Stress Reduction in each of the following years. The athlete will also send Somax videotapes of each performance, which Somax will digitize and download onto a special website with analysis. The athlete can then log onto the internet and see this analysis with a special password.  With this technology, it has been possible to predict injuries as far as two years in advance by detecting small changes in biomechanics. The fee for the additional Microfiber Reduction is based on our hourly fee and the four years of consultation and web-based videoanalysis is $40,000 per year or 10% of gross income (whichever is greater), plus endorsements.


Fees for our individual programs are $450 an hour and do not include fees for any sports training aids.  Except for specific programs that come with guarantees, fees are non-refundable. All fees are due in full at the time appointments are scheduled.

Internet Video Analysis

Individual clients are encouraged to purchase our Internet Video Analysis, a periodic download of video files you send us for ongoing analysis. The fee for this program is $900 per analysis, with a minimum of 25 bi-weekly analyses.


To see profiles and photos of clients who have complete our individual programs, please go to Clients and Testimonials.

Schedules and Appointments

To discuss our individual programs or schedule an appointment, please contact us